Here are my data science posts and projects at Metis/Chicago
- Metis is an accredited 12-week immersive Data Science boot camp with a focus on python, machine learning, statistics, communication, and design
- Developed 5 projects by applying machine learning and data science knowledge
- Presented results to the peer and documented code in GitHub repository (
- Python: Pandas, Scikit-learn, StatsModels, Numpy, Scipy, BeautifulSoup/Selenium
- Machine learning: Regression, Classification, Clustering, PCA, NLP
- Neural Network: Keras/TensorFlow, PyTorch
- Database: SQL, AWS, Hapood
Project posts
- Exploring MTA Turnstile Data: Data Exploration, Pandas, Matplotlib
- Predicting Points in Soccer League by Regression: Webscraping, linear regression
- Predicting Top 4 Teams in Soccer League by Classification: Classification
- Applying Deep Learning to Detect Blurry Images: CNN, Image Classification
- Predicting the covid test result: Classification (unbalanced dataset), Web application